Web agents give you new ways to design apps and deploy services. But you don’t need to learn new tech:

  • Familiar
    • Use standard web tools such as HTML, CSS, JS, React and npm.
    • Use standard patterns such as REST using vanilla code or frameworks like Oak.
    • Use standard npm libraries in agent code subject to sandbox security.
  • Lightweight
    • Agent provisioning and app deployment are instant and automatic.
    • Agent logic executes native Typescript or Javascript, optionally transpiled.
    • Agent Drive and Agent Storage provide lightweight persistence patterns.
  • Web Addressable
    • Each web agent has a unique hostname which is its identity.
    • Each web agent is up and running 24x7.
    • Agents can form peer-to-peer decentralized networks.
  • Dynamic
    • Web agents can be created and destroyed instantly.
    • Web agent API endpoints are installed and removed dynamically.
    • Your web agent logic is spun up on demand to serve a given endpoint.

Web Agents are instantly provisioned by Web Agent Providers, such as Magic ID.