You can now install your app into your web daemon shell.

Make a note of:

  1. Your web daemon URL which shows your web daemon home page.
    • e.g.
    • Remember each person has their own web daemon.
  2. The app URL you made earlier.
    • e.g.
    • Remember this address is unique to the cloudflared you ran earlier.

Step 1

In your browser:

  • Navigate to your web daemon home by typing its address in the URL bar.


Step 2

From your web daemon home page:

  • Click the add icon top right.
  • Enter the app URL.
  • Click Install.


Step 3

Click the Contact Agent button.

Your browser makes the request to your agent, which takes a second or two to load.

Then the button text changes to Agent says hi!.


Step 4

Navigate back to your web daemon home page either directly or by using the back button and clicking the home icon.


Note that My App is now shown in the shell, and from now on you can run it by clicking on that icon.