Hello World

This little example app gets a message and last-seen time from the web agent it is loaded into.


  1. Install the app on your agent.
  2. View on Github in another tab.

How It Works

The helloWorld.html file defines both the front-end and back-end for the app. Normally of course, an HTML file defines a front-end alone.

To do this, the HTML markup has just one extra thing:

<link rel='webdaemon' href='helloWorld.yml'>

This element is used by the Dæmon just once - when the app is installed. It locates the YAML file that defines the back-end.


The source files in this example are fully annotated, read them carefully to see how it fits together:

  • helloWorld.html
    • This is the app source file, everything hangs off it.
  • helloWorld.css
    • Simple stylesheet for the frontend.
  • helloWorld.yml
    • YAML file ties the frontend to the backend including authorization and static configuration.
  • helloWorld.js
    • Browser-side Javascript makes the request on the backend and displays the result.
  • helloWorld.ts
    • Dæmon-side Typescript handles the request and serves the response.